Ola Hadi
airport poetry
Often they congregate close enough to cough Yuck germy humans Heavy cell phone conversations Islands of egoism All walks of life Acting like It’s totally normal To follow the rules To be all ears on your attention please Final boarding call Recorded, not a human voice They wait in line Watch monitors Buy starbucks Are… Read More
Ola Hadi
darling, I am conflicted. part of me is enjoying the building anticipation of kissing your full delicious lips in just four days there is the almost pleasurable agony in the length and space between us that makes the waiting that much more intense that sets my whole being into this burst of excitement that I… Read More
News, Ted Washington
Murphy in San Francisco!
Hello Everyone, I hope you are well and are in good spirits. Puna Press is going to San Francisco for the WonderCon! We are in the small press area table # 9. The event is being held at the Moscone Center, April 2 – 4, 2010. For this event we are releasing a new print.… Read More
Ola Hadi
there is the absurd question of semantics left to wrestle with limbs so lifeless heavy tree branches gnarly natural monsters difficult wrestling left absurd to wrestle with the question of what is left there nude or naked in the muddied interpretations of ideologies, communist/democratic/polka dotted/ never powerful enough to make a difference bruised/battered/left to lose… Read More
Ola Hadi
Colorful Days
So I’m getting pretty used to not having a life…what with working a full time job M-F (and many Saturday school Saturdays) and taking three classes…I have time to hang Wednesday night (which I have designated my swim night and therefore sacred) and Friday night (open to whereever the most magnetic forces pull). Saturdays are… Read More
Ola Hadi
Gerunding Happiness
MY FAVORITE PARTS ABOUT BEING ALIVE TODAY signing up for a pool membership that scans my hand and makes me feel like I’m on The Jetsons fantasizing about long swims that start with a shock of cold water and slowly warm up to become meditative questioning whether empathy is more continuity or change, some internal… Read More
Ola Hadi
A song is stalking me. About a week ago I was all kleenex and madness…and I asked my roommate Jason to play a song, any song… I was just so desperate for a distraction, something to get my mind off of things…and of all the possible permutations in the endless playlists one could rummage through,… Read More
Ola Hadi
night before valentine’s/bad breakup poetry
“That last half an hour of studying was fucking pointless.” I kept rereading about crimes against humanity and missing the subtle differences between various definitions and switching back and forth so frequently between that and writing really terrible breakup poety that at one point I was confused about what I was looking at, notes or… Read More
Ola Hadi
Purpose of Life
I just wrote a long blog about the purpose of life, at the repeated requests of a friend, and alas, the internet gods have destroyed it…I have no idea where it went. I was pretty happy with the original, and I have no time to rewrite it completely so this will be the purpose of… Read More