Alignment, Anna Zappoli, Event, Featured Images, Gallery, Kara Goldfarb, Link, Michael Klam, News, Ted Washington, Uncategorized
SDPA Reading at San Diego Art Institute
Dear poetry fans and SDPA poets — On behalf of San Diego Poetry Annual, I would like to invite you to join us for music, visual art, food, and poetry on Fri., June 29 at the San Diego Art Institute. Featured readers and details are listed below with pics and press release attached. Poets published… Read More
Event, Gallery, News, Ted Washington
The Bonita Museum and Cultural Center presents: ”Flora, Fauna and Form” Five Facets presents: Stacie Birky-Greene, Cheryl Cotman, M. Sue Hiatt, Echo Lew and Ted Washington
The Bonita Museum and Cultural Center − Friday, July 14, 2017, Flora, Fauna and Form hosts its artist’s reception 5:30pm – 7:30pm. This exhibition of artwork features five dynamic artists presenting visual interpre- tations of the natural world and its interactions with humans. The work evokes sights and sounds using the colorful and vivid variety… Read More
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Easy to contact
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at placerat lacus, vitae feugiat erat. In blandit velit ut consequat bibendum. Morbi hendrerit libero a tellus vulputate tempus eu quis magna. Quisque congue viverra ante, eu elementum diam vulputate eget. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ultricies… Read More
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Excellent Support
Mauris tempor varius enim bibendum pellentesque. Pellentesque malesuada at velit et congue. Quisque tellus metus, aliquam in tristique sit amet, tempus nec diam. Suspendisse id hendrerit nunc. Morbi ac arcu ante. Cras quis sagittis sapien. In ultricies est non nisi condimentum, at laoreet urna eleifend. Nam at laoreet dolor. Read More
Alignment, Captions, Codex, Content, Excerpt, Gallery, Uncategorized
Fast & Simple Installation
This is a post excerpt.
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