Ted Washington
Theda pen 3 cont.
“I could make all sorts of excuses, like I’ve been doing gigs reading and performing with the band, like Pruitt Igoe is recording a new album, like I’ve been prepping tax records for myself and Puna Press, like I’ve been working a lot, like Puna Press is preparing to go to the WonderCon in San Francisco and that entails making new product(prints and note cards), but the truth is I lost my incentive when the deadline was blown. Once the trip to New York was upon me the urgency was removed. My aunt, the client for the art, was in no hurry and that set the slow ball in motion.
But now time has come to do art for a show this summer with West Coast Drawing at the Oceanside Museum of Art. It is good to have the pressure on again.”
©ted washington 2010
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