Lizzie Wann, Puna Press Live
LifeBeat Follow-Up: Lisa Sanders and Karen Hayes
We’re moving on to the follow-ups of guests on episode # 6 of LifeBeat: Conversations with Purposeful Womxn (watch the episode) which took place in February 2021. First up we have the luminous duo of Lisa Sanders and Karen Hayes (aka Brown Sugar). In this conversation, both ladies give some love to their children and grandchildren, we learn how Karen’s job as a nurse has been going through the last year, and we get an update on Lisa’s album. We conducted this Q&A over email, and they provided their answers on March 2, 2022.

Lizzie: As the conversation started, I asked about pets. But for this follow-up, I’d love for you to brag about your kids and grandkids! Please tell us anything you’d like to share about them.
Karen: My kids or children are fine and dandy. Having an adult relationship with my children is awesome. They now get what I say. Haaaa. Those grands are my heart. I have more of them; I have nine, Lisa has one. They are mostly young men now. The most handsome, kind, and the most quiet individuals except that 5-year-old. He’s a bit before his time. The last little girl is only 1. She is so precious. She cries every time I come visit. I do not know why. Whatever…they make my life whole.
Lisa: Well, I’m constantly blown away by all the love the grandchildren shower on Karen and me. They are kind, thoughtful, huggable, smart, and really funny. It is a joy to be around all 10 of them. They grow so fast. We don’t get to see them all the time, but we get to babysit the youngest ones a couple of times a month. And we talk to them on the phone. The coolest thing is the youngest ones, James (5) and Harper (1 ½), watch our Chateau show almost every week! Really cool! We could literally talk about them all night!
We discussed your weekly Facebook show, which at that time, you’d done about 50 or so shows. We’re still in it, and you’re still doing it! Have you been able to do any live shows in the past year since we talked? What was that like? Why is it important to you to keep doing the Facebook shows?
Lisa: Yes, we are still doing the Chateau Above the Garage show most Thursday nights on Facebook (visit Lisa’s page to watch). I absolutely love it! I get to interact with all my fans from across the country and sometimes across the pond. And we’re back doing live shows. The live shows are a trip because sometimes they get canceled or re-scheduled because of the Covid but all in all the shows we get to play are awesome because people are so hungry for live music that the audiences have been really great. I’m really loving playing live again. It sometimes has its challenges but for the most part we are learning to adapt.
Karen – you were able to tell us a bit about being on the front lines of COVID as a home health nurse. Have you seen things get better, worse, or stay about the same? How do you feel about the state of things from a healthcare perspective?
Karen: Well, things got a bit hairy. The parents of my patients debated about getting their children vaccinated. That was a very hard decision because they could not get a straight answer from their doctors to see if any neurological damage could happen to their children. Then on the other side…if a nurse got the Covid, the parents are left somewhat stranded without any help because of the shortage of nurses prior and during Covid. It seems to be about the same. Quite frankly, it still is an issue in some of my households. The workload is a bit larger with longer hours.
Lisa – you told us about the wonderful experience you and Karen had in Nashville recording Daughters of the Rising Tide. Was the album released? What can you tell us about it?
Lisa: Well, it hasn’t been released yet. It’s been I think about 3 years. Not sure when it will be out. I’m working on it, but I’m not sure when it will be released. Hopefully this coming year. But mostly honestly, I just want it to come out so everyone has a good opportunity to hear it.
I know that in 2021, Lisa, you were inducted to the San Diego Music Hall of Fame. Congratulations! What can you tell us about this accolade?
Lisa: Well, it was for me one of the greatest honors I could have been given. When I got the call, I cried so hard it made the presenter, Jefferson Jay, cry real hard too! LOL The night was so unbelievably moving for me. A lot of folks I haven’t seen in years showed up and bought the big tickets. I still feel very grateful. I feel like I’ve been working really hard for so many years and somehow I made a difference. Really overwhelmingly grateful.
Please share anything else you’d like to talk about or promote!
Lisa: We’re still doing Chateau Above the Garage most Thursdays on Facebook, We are playing Steve Poltz’s BaHOOTenzie Folk Fest at Joshua Tree Festival Fair grounds May 20 & 21! So excited!!
Thanks so much, Lisa and Karen, for your responses. Be sure to check out to find out where you can next hear these two sing their sweet songs. We wish you the very best!
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