News, Ted Washington
Less is 20 Years Old! Puna Press is 30!
Who knew? When I founded Puna Press it was an idea formed on the beach in Hawaii. I had sold out of a prototype hardback book that was only an edition of fifty in San Diego. That surprised me and I took the proceeds and headed to the islands. I have belief in progression so next would be making a book under an imprint. More was the fruit of that idea. Seven years of indecision and time consuming jobs held me back until my friend Harold Todd told me to get going selling the book. It went okay. Also in that time period I did some good art and got into some prestigious exhibitions. This led me to believe that I could continue making books. I needed help and Lesli Bandy stepped up and got me on the right track. She did the layout of Less, setting the order of the poetry and art. We did a limited edition art print release to support the book. It went so well that we decided to publish other authors, Edwin Decker’s Barzilla and Other Psalms being the first.
Kristen Schlott, Edwin and Kara Goldfarb are now partners in the company. Each of them has helped the company achieve a level of professionalism. Kristen with finance and bookkeeping, Edwin Decker with editing and talent evaluation, Kara Goldfarb with editing, talent evaluation, podcasting and the idea that we need contracts for the authors(game changer).
Thank you to them and all our supporters. This would not be possible without you.
Ted Washington
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