2022-23 SDPA Reading + Carly DeMento + Open Mic @ Poets Underground
Tuesday, March 28 at 7:00 p.m.: Read poetry and be merry @ .modbom. (formerly Amplified, East Village, 1429 Island Ave, 92101). Let’s go Poets Underground! You’re invited to a preview reading of the 2022-23 San Diego Poetry Annual. Hosted by Michael Klam, Sunny Rey and Anthony Azzarito, SDPA poets feature and all local poets welcome to grace the Acid Vault speakeasy stage. Come early and clap loudly! Sign up to read at the show or email sdpoetryannual@gmail.com to sign up early.
Joining us will be Pushcart nominee, Carly DeMento. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in the North American Review, Green Hills Literary Lantern, and the San Diego Poetry Annual.
Oh, and by the way, our new SD Poet Laureate, Jason Magabo Perez, will be there, too.
Featured image and cover art by Perry Vazquez. Poster by Alana Contreras-Rodriguez.
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