Conversations with Poets, Event, Michael Klam, More Tag, News, Twitter
SDPA Readings with Poets Underground (5/2) and Poets INC (5/5) + National Poetry Month (in review)
Our Poetry to the People outreach events over the 2023-24 year were made possible with generous support from California Humanities, a non-profit partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Visit We are grateful for their work on behalf of the local arts community! *Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily… Read More
Adam Greenfield, Alignment, Conversations with Poets, Event, Michael Klam, News, Twitter
Hafez Day (10/12)
For all projects, upcoming events, and publication info and opportunities, follow SDPA on Instagram @sdpoetryannual and visit SDPA and P&A. October 12, 7-9PM, San Diego Central Library, *Poetry to the People Event*: Hafez Day in the Neil Morgan Auditorium. Register HERE. Hafez Shirazi (1315-1390 CE) is one of the most beloved and influential poets in the world and is especially revered… Read More