Event, Michael Klam, News, Ted Washington
Michael Klam and Ted Washington at San Diego Writers Festival Saturday, April 6th
This Saturday, April 6th, current and former San Diego Poetry Annual authors and editors will join together to celebrate local poets at the San Diego Writers Festival! Our event will be held at 12:45PM in the Coronado Public Library, Multipurpose Room, Building 400.
Featured SDPA readers will be followed by a community open mic. Bring a poem to share and/or grab a seat to hear work by renowned poets Kazim Ali (@kazimalipoet), Carly DeMento (@carlymariedemento), reg e gaines (@bidwhist72), Katie Manning (@katiemanningpoet), Margarita Pintado (@marga_pintado), Leonora Simonovis (@leosimonovis), Ted Washington (@lotekted), SDPA bilingual edition editor Olga García, and inaugural San Diego Poet Laureate Ron Salisbury. Hosted by SDPA execs Michael Klam and Jane Muschenetz (@palmfrondzoo), this event highlights SDPA authors and is open to all.
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This project was made possible with support from California Humanities, a non-profit partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Visit www.calhum.org.
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