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Conversations with Poets: Ron Salisbury, Rudy Francisco (videos); Poetry of Resilience Reading, Oct 22
Check out Conversations with Poets, a new local poetry video series sponsored by San Diego Public Library, San Diego Entertainment and Arts Guild, and San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture. Please like and subscribe. Also, hope to see you on the 22nd! Come watch, read, and celebrate this culmination event for SD Poet Laureate Ron Salisbury’s Poetry of Resilience. All the details right here:
Join San Diego Poet Laureate Ron Salisbury and co-host Michael Klam of San Diego Poetry Annual for the culminating event for the San Diego Poetry of Resilience project, featuring poetry readings, open mic and much more. Poets, workshop participants and the public alike are invited to celebrate the written word at this free, virtual event on Friday, October 22, 2021, 6:30–8:30 pm.
Poetry readings will feature Salisbury, followed by “Poets Mapped” participants interested in reading their “mapped” poems and open mic for anyone else that brings a poem to share. The celebration concludes with Salisbury’s big announcement of the “Poets Mapped” poems selected for publication in a special section of the 2021-2022 San Diego Poetry Annual.
Visit Poet Laureate to find out how-to details and register HERE to attend this virtual culminating event!
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